A Seussian farewell

On my last Sunday at FBC Weaverville, I read this little ditty at the reception following worship. It is set mostly in the context of this congregation, with lots of personal references. But for what it’s worth, here’s my Seussian farewell to FBCW.


“It’s a really good church,” my friend said to me.
“You know Jim McCoy, the pastor?” said he.

“Yes, I think so, he sings (did you say?)
In the pizza place on Main Street with Kirk McKay?”

So five years ago, with a smile on my face
I came here to join you at this very place.

To minister here with you and with Joy
And also of course with the singing McCoys.

Our students in college, we had five of them,
Molly and Marley, the twins and Dylan.

Plus Alex, and Chelsea, and Jennifer Sell
Came over each week from U of Mars Hill

Now they’re all grads, and Jordan is too
And Shelby’s a senior at NCSU

So much has happened, we’ve had lots of fun
Remember the Sunday of Benjamin’s run?

And when Corbin said “Actually I have found
That I’d rather hear music with ambient sound.”

Aiden, the red head, who told us his brother
“Cannot settle down, he’s really a bother.”

We cleaned up the church and spruced up the yard
I told you some stories and you gave me your heart.

Baptisms, weddings, and funerals (so many)
We worshipped, we laughed, and we shed tears a plenty.

Thank you dear friends, for how you’ve loved me
With God as our parent, we’re all family.

By Aileen MItchell Lawrimore

Aileen Mitchell Lawrimore is a mother x 3, wife x 35 (years not men), minister, speaker, writer, retreat leader, and lover of beagles and books. She has a lot to say.